Startup #12: Professional study clubs for accountability

Find that you learn best in a focused session (e.g. study groups)? 🏃‍♂️

What if you could remotely take part in a social work session each week? 🌎

At university, the best way to learn about something (and to make the process feel less like work) was to do it with friends. Whilst we never actually called it 'study club'... that's basically what it was.

Fast forward 5 years...

In adult life, so many of us are trying to learn new things or build something on the side, but are all doing it solo. And as I've talked about in previous experiments, social accountability can be a powerful force to power through getting tasks done. What if we could recreate the study club experience of working socially, with a regular group?


By matching strangers into interest-centric groups, group members will get more done and enjoy the process more.

That people are interested in a regularly remote meet-up. (Why remote? Because a physical meet-up has pretty limited scaling potential)


One topic group, meeting remotely via Zoom every week.

Test if members are willing to pay and commit to a minimum timeframe. Why a minimum timeframe? Well, I suspect that if the group keeps changing shape, the accountability benefits are probably reduced – because there's less chance that you'll see the same people again.

I'll build a landing page to capture people's details, explain the programme and what time and days that the sessions happen at.

Design and build

Watch this space... coming soon